Meet Shango, the revered deity known as the Fire Catcher. With an aura ablaze with divine power, Shango stands as the keeper of equilibrium, ensuring the fiery vigor of the female dragon remains in harmonious balance. As the Fire Catcher, Shango extends a benevolent hand, wielding an armor of ancient symbols that weave a spell to temper the dragon’s fiery breath. He transforms her flames into a controlled and mesmerizing display. Embra’s untamed flames find equilibrium under the watchful gaze of Shango, the only deity powerful enough to complete the delicate task of keeping her fiery spirit in check. Whenever the beat of the drums awaken Embra, there too you will find Shango. Together, they form a dynamic duo, where Embra’s wild essence meets Shango’s divine restraint, creating a spectacle that captivates the hearts of those who witness the harmonious dance between the fiery dragon and the celestial Fire Catcher, the delicate balance between untamed elemental power and divine intervention.
Costume Package
Costume package includes:
Jewelled Shoulder Armor, Wrist pieces, Leg pieces, Shorts, Jewelled Belt, Chainlink Hood, Premium Bar, Lunch, Souvenir Mug and T-shirt.
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